The IT Arsenal blog highlights valuable tools, useful practices, and effective methods for business websites with spotlights from customer experiences. Enjoy!
27 Untypical Mac Apps for Business and How to use Them
by Robert Granholm | Newsletter Archive
...and these aren't the boring ones like Office, or Crashplan, or Google Apps or Evernote or Dropbox either. This month's e-mail [this has been adapted from the IT Arsenal newsletter] will get straight the point, below are 27 not your everyday Mac apps [sorry Windows...
Client Spotlight: Mixergy
by Robert Granholm | Client Spotlight
At times, we all could use some help and advice. When Andrew of Mixergy ran into some Wordpress issues and was interested in website backup and maintenance in 2011, he worked with IT Arsenal to create a reliable backup system and clean up his site. This spotlight is...
Client Spotlight: Life After College
by Robert Granholm | Client Spotlight
Life After College is a great site to motivate anyone to reach their ultimate potential. It’s founder, Jenny Blake, offers a book, blog, shop, and one-on-one help to become an ambitious self-starter. Before the book a long while back Jenny and I connected and IT...
Client Spotlight: Under30CEO
by Robert Granholm | Client Spotlight
Today I'm thinking back on the time IT Arsenal worked with Under30CEO. Ironically as I reflect on this I'm now over 30! Under30CEO is a helpful go-to website for any aspiring entrepreneur. It offers tips, interviews, and articles about books, tools, health, fitness,...
A Blueprint for Organizing Your Online Business Files
by Robert Granholm | Newsletter Archive
Does your desktop look something like this? Okay that's really bad, but if you're an organization perfectionist, you can probably toss this e-mail, next months will be about the three most easily implemented ways to speed up your website. Okay, back to you, desktop...
Have Google Analytics, but Never Use it? Try this.
by Robert Granholm | Newsletter Archive
==== Originally published on the IT Arsenal Newsletter ==== Confession, I've been installing Google Analytics on my websites for years, ever since I can remember...and I've never gotten anything out of it. Sure, it's nice to scan some numbers from time to time, but...
Client Spotlight: Brute Force Sandbags
by Robert Granholm | Client Spotlight
Brute Force Sandbags as a company doesn’t need much explaining. They produce sandbags for physical training, that can take a beating! IT Arsenal [Rob] worked with Keith, the owner, over the course of a month to improve website speed, backup their site, work on image...
Tip: Make a Trailer for Your Products, Mention
by Robert Granholm | Tips & How To
When decided to write an article with tips on getting your online business noticed, they took a note from IT Arsenal founder, Robert Granholm, for what he thought. Below is a screenshot of the mention and advice on creating a trailer for your next product....