The IT Arsenal blog highlights valuable tools, useful practices, and effective methods for business websites with spotlights from customer experiences. Enjoy!

Q&A: I registered my RSS feed through feedburner with a non gmail account. When I got a real google account, the two somehow merged — about the time that feedburner was acquired by Google. My feed became a zombie. I can’t claim it or get access, for example, edit the name of it (which should have changed). Do you have any idea how to reclaim a zombie feed? I’ve asked for help on the feedburner board at google and there doesn’t seem to be a real person there.

It might be lost in some account mess that needs an actual administrator to fix, which takes A LOT of pestering on the google boards. They do get scanned by Google employees, but getting live feedback is just something that isn't readily accessible by Google. They...

60 Second Survey & Helping You Better

60 Second Survey & Helping You Better

Here's the truth, the word "tech support" doesn't really cover how I want to serve you (online entrepreneurs) and your business. Support is great and all, but doesn't get at what you guys are wrestling with day in and day out. The website stuff, the ideas on how to...

The Old Powerbook(s) Giveaway!

The Old Powerbook(s) Giveaway!

UPDATE: Congratulations to Aaron and Victor, winners of the Old Powerbook Giveaway! Updates on how to buy a Mac cheap coming soon! First time here? Welcome! Learn more about me here, or at Twitter, or Facebook. IT Arsenal is all about being available and supporting...

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