The IT Arsenal blog highlights valuable tools, useful practices, and effective methods for business websites with spotlights from customer experiences. Enjoy!
Q&A: I registered my RSS feed through feedburner with a non gmail account. When I got a real google account, the two somehow merged — about the time that feedburner was acquired by Google. My feed became a zombie. I can’t claim it or get access, for example, edit the name of it (which should have changed). Do you have any idea how to reclaim a zombie feed? I’ve asked for help on the feedburner board at google and there doesn’t seem to be a real person there.
by Robert Granholm | Q&A
It might be lost in some account mess that needs an actual administrator to fix, which takes A LOT of pestering on the google boards. They do get scanned by Google employees, but getting live feedback is just something that isn't readily accessible by Google. They...
Q&A: I’ve never heard anyone liking GoDaddy hosting – curious to know more about your experience. I’ve also found their “wait for update” stuff difficult to deal with.
by Robert Granholm | Q&A
Wait for update? what in the world? I update my Wordpress website manually to the latest versions, the day of updates if i'd like. You might confusing the godaddy hosting backend panel which also supports updating your Wordpress install. I wouldn't ever use that when...
Q&A: I expect my blog to become popular, Should I start with a dedicated server right from the get-go?
by Robert Granholm | Q&A
Glad to hear about your secret project and I love the question. Here's the info on dedicated servers...they are great if you are going to get massive amounts of traffic (say 2000+ hits a day) and or you are going to be running complex scripts and web apps on...
What Online Entrepreneurs Want for their Business……… (Free Report)
by Robert Granholm | Announcements
In celebration of re-launching IT Arsenal earlier this week, I want to give you something. If you or your users are online entrepreneurs, I think you're going to find it really valuable. I want to give you the responses I've collected in the last 3 months on what...
Re-Thinking Technical Support for Entrepreneurs (Re-Launching IT Arsenal)
by Robert Granholm | Announcements
Several months ago I launched a survey in efforts to figure out how to really support online entrepreneurs when it comes to the tech they use. What do they need? What is halting, stifling, or limiting their business? What are the best payroll solutions for their...
60 Second Survey & Helping You Better
by Robert Granholm | Announcements
Here's the truth, the word "tech support" doesn't really cover how I want to serve you (online entrepreneurs) and your business. Support is great and all, but doesn't get at what you guys are wrestling with day in and day out. The website stuff, the ideas on how to...
The Old Powerbook(s) Giveaway!
by Robert Granholm | Tips & How To
UPDATE: Congratulations to Aaron and Victor, winners of the Old Powerbook Giveaway! Updates on how to buy a Mac cheap coming soon! First time here? Welcome! Learn more about me here, or at Twitter, or Facebook. IT Arsenal is all about being available and supporting...
How to Understand Website Management, Domain Names, Hosting, and Design to Save Money and Not Get Ripped Off
by Robert Granholm | Websites
httpvh:// Relevant For: Newer online entrepreneurs starting a website, who don't really get how it works. Watch Time: 8:16 Summary: Typical entities involved in basic websites (and blogs) sell amazon fba business What each entity...