The IT Arsenal blog highlights valuable tools, useful practices, and effective methods for business websites with spotlights from customer experiences. Enjoy!
Q&A: Can You Export E-mail Addresses from a Facebook Group, Page or List?
by Robert Granholm | Q&A
Hi Rob,Sorry I was a bit vague on Twitter, not too good with the 140 character thing. I am emailing thousands of members of a facebook group. I have had a great ratio of follow back ratio (1 in every 2 emailed) and when I go back the next day to the site, I need to...
Q&A: What Should I use to Create a Screencast?
by Robert Granholm | Q&A
Hey dude, I hope all is going well. I am nearly finished with the info product I have been working on. I want to include some screencasts to demonstrate something on my PayPal account. I have been trying to find some software that will let me redact or blur out the...
Q&A: Why Do I get Spam from my Website Forms!?
by Robert Granholm | Q&A
Do you ever get e-mails from your website forms that look like the below? From: Kaedon <[email protected]>To: [email protected]: Wed, Aug 17, 2011 11:30:42 GMT+00:00Subject: Your Website Name Form Submission Form Lead SubmissionLead Details:...
Client Spotlight: Sticky eBooks and Suggestive Advice
by Robert Granholm | Client Spotlight
Case Studies are when I take some time to highlight recent work, the challenges and technologies involved, and what I learned in the process. Sticky eBooks is a client website from Kelly Kingman. Kelly is excellent at extracting ideas and helping people build...
How to Use Amazon’s Simple Storage (S3) for Your Business without being a Programmer
by Robert Granholm | Maintenance and Backup
Amazon's simple storage (S3) service, often seems like a "big business" product, but the truth is, this amazingly cheap, reliable, accessible file storage service is really useful for businesses of all sizes, and even individuals. It's more like Dropbox, or
Q&A: How do I fix a list like this: 1,10,11,12 so it shows up correctly & in order?
by Robert Granholm | Q&A
How do I fix a menu or website list like this: 1,10,11,12 so it shows up correctly and in order? Here's a question I've actually gotten several times that has a very easy answer. Use what is called "leading" zero's! Here's an example...01, 02, 03, 04 and...
Q&A: Do you think a Mac Mini will work for design programs like Photoshop?
by Robert Granholm | Q&A
"Do you think the Mac mini will suffice for design programs? I've been doing graphic design the past 4 months at my new job and want to dive into learning more and eventually doing it on the side for some money. Also where can I get the Adobe programs cheap?" Okay, a...
Q&A: What is Feedburner, How does it Work? (Simple)
by Robert Granholm | Q&A