The IT Arsenal blog highlights valuable tools, useful practices, and effective methods for business websites with spotlights from customer experiences. Enjoy!
What is my SEO? Use This Tool to Make it Obvious
by Robert Granholm | Websites
According toc companies like VICTORIOUS, search engine optimization (SEO) is a process that helps you affect the visibility of your website in a search engine’s results. More visibility in search results leads to more traffic, which leads to the potential for more...
The Opt-in Process Visualized
by Robert Granholm | Newsletter Archive
==== Newsletter Archive ==== Download PDF: The Opt-in Process Infographic Tip: YOU should go through your own opt in process at least once a month to see what your audience is experiencing [thanks Noah for encouraging me to do this] It's most often your newsletter...
Spotlight: Recommended Service Professionals to Build Your Business [who I trust and love]
by Robert Granholm | Announcements
These individuals are amazing not just at what they do, but at being great human beings, which in business is often more important. I recommend them wholeheartedly to round out your online business needs.
Get AWeber Javascript to work, How to move web hosts, What I think of EJunkie, and How to put a footer on each post – with Travis Sherry, Extra Pack of Peanuts [Video]
by Robert Granholm | E-mail Marketing, Sales Systems, Websites
Welcome to the first episode of IT Arsenal's "You Ask, We Answer", where we hear what technology problems business owners like yourself are struggling with online and perform fixes and advice live! httpvh:// [bear with us while we explore different...
Q&A: I wonder which WordPress plugin you recommend to backup the WP database?
by Robert Granholm | Q&A
Hi Rob, Laurie recommended you today particularly because her WP site went down and she said you restored it quickly. (I just subscribed to your newsletter via my gmail account.) Anywho - I'm contacting you because I design websites and I wonder which Wordpress plugin...
Q&A: How do I eject a disc when my eject button wont work?
by Robert Granholm | Q&A
How do I eject a disc when my eject button wont work? I've tried the eject button and the control button and nothing is workin Kathleen On a Mac, hold down the mouse key immediately after rebooting your computer. So the second you hear the chime, or even before you...
Q&A: I forgot the name of that program you use to make the sketches and layouts. What was it?
by Robert Granholm | Q&A
I forgot the name of that program you use to make the sketches. What was it? I’m working on a post for 1st date location seating and need some seating sketches, bar, table, couch etc. Later bro Z The diagramming/layout tool I've used is what I think you're talking...
Q&A: I finally am backing up with Time Machine, wirelessly, it will be summer before its complete, can you stop the backup at any point?
by Robert Granholm | Q&A
Hey Rob, quick question, I finally am backing up. Started about 2 hours ago, wireless from the iMac. So far its done 1.6GB out of 55GB. It will be summer before its complete. Can you stop the backup at any point, and then restart it later? will it pickup from where...