The IT Arsenal blog highlights valuable tools, useful practices, and effective methods for business websites with spotlights from customer experiences. Enjoy!
How to Work the PayPal Button
by Robert Granholm | Newsletter Archive
==== Newsletter Archive ==== It's a Saturday over a holiday weekend, so let's make this short and sweet. You know about the PayPal Buy Now button, you may use it on one page, or 10 pages, or 10 times on one page, but for the most part, I've seen confusion and worry...
Membership Site “Need to Know” Tips
by Robert Granholm | Newsletter Archive
==== Newsletter Archive ==== Membership sites are all the rage lately. If you're considering or have considered a membership site style product or website for your business, here's what you need to know. Membership sites are a great way to create a community,...
Demonstration: Installing and changing a WordPress Theme in 1 Minute [VIDEO]
by Robert Granholm | Websites
Changing a websites theme is scary for a lot of new users and business website owners. In the early stages of setting up a site, when you're still thinking about your theme, it's a common to ask, can I change my theme at anytime? Does my site break, or do I have to...
Q&A: How to fill out forms, Combine PDFs, Save to PDF from Word, and Scan to PDFs using built in Mac Applications
by Robert Granholm | Q&A
Hi Rob After having this brand new Macbook Air sitting on my desk since September (and only having logged 12 hours on it), I am just now beginning to use it for business, and have used it now for half a day for the last three days. Loving it. so, a few questions on...
3 Essential Codes for Fixing Formatting
by Robert Granholm | Newsletter Archive
==== Newsletter Archive ==== WAIT! Before you run away, I promise, cross my heart, hope to die, this will be easy, un-intimidating and beneficial, no lie! We're going to talk about code for just a few minutes. I'm going to make it painless and short. One small baby...
How to Make a Facebook Page Tab
by Robert Granholm | Tips & How To, Websites
Facebook Page tabs give you the ability to extend your business tools into Facebook, such as newsletter sign ups, custom promotions, selling tools, etc. Facebook is a social website [duh] so having a custom presence on the platform can be beneficial to your business,...
Client Spotlight: Teresa Capaldo, When Effort Pays Off
by Robert Granholm | Client Spotlight
Websites can be a wily animal, constantly changing, constantly bewildering their owners, but they can be tamed with enough hard work. Teresa Capaldo [Life coach] was particularly tenacious about not letting the development of her coaching website get the best of her....
How to Fix Scheduled Wordress Posts that Never Seem to Post at the Right Time
by Robert Granholm | Tips & How To
It's a great time saver to be able to schedule blog posts for the future. You can setup a month worth of posts and chip away at them, or prep them fully before you go on a trip or focus on other projects within your business. The thing is, these scheduled posts often...