The IT Arsenal blog highlights valuable tools, useful practices, and effective methods for business websites with spotlights from customer experiences. Enjoy!

How to Work the PayPal Button

How to Work the PayPal Button

  ==== Newsletter Archive ==== It's a Saturday over a holiday weekend, so let's make this short and sweet. You know about the PayPal Buy Now button, you may use it on one page, or 10 pages, or 10 times on one page, but for the most part, I've seen confusion and worry...

How to Make a Facebook Page Tab

How to Make a Facebook Page Tab

Facebook Page tabs give you the ability to extend your business tools into Facebook, such as newsletter sign ups, custom promotions, selling tools, etc. Facebook is a social website [duh] so having a custom presence on the platform can be beneficial to your business,...

$100 Amazon Gift Card

Refer IT Arsenal and receive a $100 Amazon gift card