The IT Arsenal blog highlights valuable tools, useful practices, and effective methods for business websites with spotlights from customer experiences. Enjoy!
Q&A: Why it is that when you post a link from WordPress on FB, it chooses 2nd photo as the thumbnail?
by Robert Granholm | Q&A
Leslie R writes, "Why it is that when you post a link from Wordpress on FB, it will only choose the 2nd photo as the thumbnail and NOT give an option to choose the 1st photo? This happens to me all the time and it's driving me nuts!" This is a great question, it has...
Q&A: I Need to Find Some Good WordPress Themes, Can You Recommend Some?
by Robert Granholm | Q&A
I need to find some good Wordpress Themes, can you recommend some, where are the best? I deal with this question almost daily in my work, and I'm glad to share where I regularly find great, simple, flexible and functional Wordpress themes. Theme Forest -...
Client Spotlight: The Cheer and Chow Managing Friends and Business
by Robert Granholm | Client Spotlight
Case Studies are when I take some time to highlight recent work, the challenges involved, and what I learned in the process. The Cheer and Chow is a friend's website, and managing a friend relationship along with a business one can be a challenge, here's what I learned.
Q&A: Should I purchase standard registration, privacy with business registration or private registration?
by Robert Granholm | Q&A
"I am transferring my domain registration to godaddy, should I purchase standard registration, privacy with business registration or private registration?" Just standard, no need for the other stuff, and nothing you can't add later, don't fall prey to the bold text...
Q&A: How to change permalinks in WordPress?
by Robert Granholm | Q&A
How do you change the link structure of your pages in Wordpress? Rob, I want my links to look good for search engines how do I make them go from to My good friend of Man vs. Clock has asked me this one a few...
Q&A: Is there a way to send all my tweets that contain a link to Facebook?
by Robert Granholm | Q&A
Here's a question I got on LinkedIn Answers from "Saul" on how to post only the tweets you send out with links to Facebook automatically. There is a way Saul, although it's not exactly streamlined. I'm sure there are a few ways, here is the one I use. The process...
3 Forgotten WordPress Tips that Increase Efficiency and Productivity
by Robert Granholm | Websites
Wordpress is likely the platform from which you run your business website. You're in and out of the back-end constantly, tweaking pages, posts, creating new content, salespages and installing the latest and greatest plugins. All this stuff gets repetitive and time...
Q&A: Why does Gmail (Google Apps) seem to save half written messages in the Trash when I use Apple Mail?
by Robert Granholm | Q&A
The Question: "HI Rob, Just want to let you know that I just replied to 2 emails from my archived folder on Apple Mail and before I even hit send I received @6 copies of each in my message folder on my blackberry. Why does Google Apps seem to save all these half...