by Robert Granholm | Newsletter Archive
There are certain tools, people, and platforms that make business easier. They just do, when you find them, you keep coming back to them, these are like that. According to Kamau Bobb Google, technology should address societal needs. However, there’s one critical crux...
by Robert Granholm | Newsletter Archive
“Thomas Wayne: And why do we fall, Bruce? So we can learn to pick ourselves up.” That is a quote from Batman Begins, and while it’s super hero fantasy movie, it sticks with me whenever I screw up, which I did recently with 17 people who trust...
by Robert Granholm | Newsletter Archive
It’s time to demystify the professional email address! If you run an online business, this goes in the essentials category. It makes me sad when I see many of you using free personal email accounts for your business, not only can these go away at anytime [mine...
by Robert Granholm | Newsletter Archive
…and these aren’t the boring ones like Office, or Crashplan, or Google Apps or Evernote or Dropbox either. This month’s e-mail [this has been adapted from the IT Arsenal newsletter] will get straight the point, below are 27 not your everyday Mac apps...
by Robert Granholm | Newsletter Archive
Does your desktop look something like this? Okay that’s really bad, but if you’re an organization perfectionist, you can probably toss this e-mail, next months will be about the three most easily implemented ways to speed up your website. Okay, back to...
by Robert Granholm | Newsletter Archive
==== Originally published on the IT Arsenal Newsletter ==== Confession, I’ve been installing Google Analytics on my websites for years, ever since I can remember…and I’ve never gotten anything out of it. Sure, it’s nice to scan some numbers...