The IT Arsenal blog highlights valuable tools, useful practices, and effective methods for business websites with spotlights from customer experiences. Enjoy!
Client Spotlight: BusinessKeeping
by Robert Granholm | Client Spotlight
Gail at BusinessKeeping provides services for operations management for small and medium size businesses. Today I'm highlighting some recent work completed for a site overhaul, what went wrong during the process, and how it was fixed. Gail first started working with...
10 Context Specific Ways to Make Business Easier this Month
by Robert Granholm | Newsletter Archive
There are certain tools, people, and platforms that make business easier. They just do, when you find them, you keep coming back to them, these are like that. According to Kamau Bobb Google, technology should address societal needs. However, there’s one critical crux...
Client Spotlight: Cesar and Stef
by Robert Granholm | Client Spotlight
Cesar and Stef both had a fairly common email problem. They wanted to move their email from AOL to Gmail, but also wanted to take every single email with them. Simple enough request that I get often enough, usually phrased something like, "How do I move all my email...
How to Make Pinterest Better & Faster
by Robert Granholm | Tips & How To
I know this isn't the normal content you'd find on IT Arsenal about improving or fixing issues with your business website, however I know my audience likes Pinterest! ... and this tech tip may serve them well. It may even be business useful. I'm looking at you life...
Client Spotlight: Jerusalem House
by Robert Granholm | Client Spotlight
Jerusalem House provides a continuum of housing and supportive services for homeless and low-income individuals, families, and children affected by HIV/AIDS and leads the community in meeting their needs, specifically in the Atlanta area. They run a website to house...
3 Authentic and Useful Business Communities & Why We Fall Down
by Robert Granholm | Newsletter Archive
"Thomas Wayne: And why do we fall, Bruce? So we can learn to pick ourselves up." That is a quote from Batman Begins, and while it's super hero fantasy movie, it sticks with me whenever I screw up, which I did recently with 17 people who trust me to communicate...
How Professional Email Accounts Work & Why You Need One Now ?
by Robert Granholm | Newsletter Archive
It's time to demystify the professional email address! If you run an online business, this goes in the essentials category. It makes me sad when I see many of you using free personal email accounts for your business, not only can these go away at anytime [mine did,...
You Need a Faster Website, Here’s How Cloudflare Does That For Free ?
by Robert Granholm | Tips & How To, Websites
One out of many ways to make your website a faster website is by using a free service called Cloudflare. I wanted to write a post about it because it gets overlooked and ignored, when it really shouldn't. One reason this happens is because it's one of those services...