The IT Arsenal blog highlights valuable tools, useful practices, and effective methods for business websites with spotlights from customer experiences. Enjoy!

Client Spotlight: BusinessKeeping

Client Spotlight: BusinessKeeping

Gail at BusinessKeeping provides services for operations management for small and medium size businesses. Today I'm highlighting some recent work completed for a site overhaul, what went wrong during the process, and how it was fixed. Gail first started working with...

Client Spotlight: Cesar and Stef

Client Spotlight: Cesar and Stef

Cesar and Stef both had a fairly common email problem. They wanted to move their email from AOL to Gmail, but also wanted to take every single email with them. Simple enough request that I get often enough, usually phrased something like, "How do I move all my email...

How to Make Pinterest Better & Faster

How to Make Pinterest Better & Faster

I know this isn't the normal content you'd find on IT Arsenal about improving or fixing issues with your business website, however I know my audience likes Pinterest! ... and this tech tip may serve them well. It may even be business useful. I'm looking at you life...

Client Spotlight: Jerusalem House

Client Spotlight: Jerusalem House

Jerusalem House provides a continuum of housing and supportive services for homeless and low-income individuals, families, and children affected by HIV/AIDS and leads the community in meeting their needs, specifically in the Atlanta area. They run a website to house...

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