The IT Arsenal blog highlights valuable tools, useful practices, and effective methods for business websites with spotlights from customer experiences. Enjoy!
Q&A: What do you recommend as a system for backing up everything I have on google?
by Robert Granholm | Q&A
Hey Rob - Got a quick question for you - what do you recommend as a system for backing up everything I have on google (email, cal, docs, etc). Have become concerned about "what if I lost my acct" etc as am very dependent on them. Hope you're doing well! Thanks!Laurie...
JPEG IT! [speed up page loading, decrease space used]
by Robert Granholm | ITA Products, Tips & How To, Websites
Problem: You upload any image you can find or create for your website, and most of them end in .png These files are typically HUGE, without need, but because it's a hassle to do anything else, you just use them anyway. They slow down your website, make back up...
Gmails Best Business Applicable Features
by Robert Granholm | ITA Services, Tips & How To
Gmail includes some unique business applicable perks and capabilities you don't know about until you see them. You might not use Gmail, or Google's business suite, Google Apps, which is [more or less] just a branded version of their free tools for business use, but...
Q&A: How Can an Audio file that Isn’t as Long, Be Bigger in Size?
by Robert Granholm | Q&A
How can these audio files be bigger, they weren't as long? How can I make the file DOWNLOAD instead of play on my website when others click on it? httpvh:// In the 5 minute video above, you'll learn how file sizes compare to play length with audio...
Q&A: Is there any way to hide website WHO IS address info?
by Robert Granholm | Q&A
Is there any way to hide website WHO IS address info? - Starla You may not know it, but you can find out who owns most any web site domain by simply adding their domain address to end of this link - Examples...
Know when your site is not loading or has crashed as soon as it happens
by Robert Granholm | Newsletter Archive
==== Newsletter Archive ==== Real quick, I just launched a product to combine all your e-mail accounts into one Gmail for an awesome e-mail experience. It's half off right now if you're interested. Ok, moving on... It's the worst when someone tells you that your...
The Best Sales System There Ever was…
by Robert Granholm | Newsletter Archive
==== Newsletter Archive ==== Real quick, if you're interested in combining all your e-mail accounts into one Gmail, I'm creating a service for this and need testers. OK, does the subject of this e-mail interest you? The right sales system [the thing you use to...
11 Real [and common] Questions from Semi New WordPress Users Answered
by Robert Granholm | Websites
It's inevitable, when you take the dive into Wordpress to build your business website or make your first few changes, several questions pop up while moving through the menu's, settings, and comparing your site to other sites. Here are 11 real users questions and their...