I currently own a couple domain names and have a website hosted by GoDaddy’s Website Tonight. I built it myself using their website software. I’m not completely happy with the look, but settled on that given what was available.

I’ve felt pretty comfortable with various types of software for a long time and thought – how hard can it be? But I found the process arduous and irritating. Working with the software doesn’t feel intuitive to me and I struggle every time I try to do something new so I tend to avoid making changes, improvements, additions. I need some guidance, what do I do from here? – Kelly


What you’ve described is pretty common. First, great job on trying to make a solution work on your own, I already appreciate how you work and an openness to learn and get the job done.

After reading your e-mail, it very much sounds like WordPress (What is WordPress?) is going to be the route you want to take away from Website Tonight, and from your needs, you’ll be elated with how easy it is to do everything you described once you have it installed and are through the initial phase of learning what it is and how it operates.(something the WordPress Trainer does) It’s much easier to grasp, and much more capable than GoDaddy’s simple website tool. 

You can think of WordPress being as easy as Facebook for building a website. You login to a “back part” to update content, and it displays on the “front part”. It’s used on about %15 of the entire worlds websites, it’s popular.

The site “Build Me One” and “WordPress Trainer” I offer will leave you with exactly what you’ve described, a site setup, training and support for how to take the reigns yourself to make changes that are easy, understandable, and even enjoyable. The hardest part with my clients has honestly been picking a favorite theme (typically) to build on and make your own. I realize cookie cutter services like Website Tonight don’t offer much in the way of support, and can be quickly outgrown.

I’d be glad to review you’re current site, and what I’m going to do is give you free access to my training course which is centered around WordPress since you’ve dropped me an e-mail. It will allow you to wrap your head around what it is, and peek at the backend. If we move forward I suggest making it through the entire course (should only take an hour or two).

WordPress Trainer Information

WordPress Trainer Sign In
The password is: ### send a request through the contact page ###

I took a preliminary look at your current site, and any setup work we do would include carrying over a majority of that content. One thing I see that we’ll go over is fonts and how they work within WordPress. It has a fairly decent editor, but web fonts are already very limited, so while I’ll make some adjustments for you to be able to select a font and size similar to working with Word, the web in general is pretty limited in supported fonts unless you’re using a web designer to turn them into images. Hope that helps!