A Partner
Tara leaver has become more than a client or customer, over the last year plus of working together, she’s become a partner! She’s creative, friendly, bright, and not afraid to learn a thing or two about how her website works.
The Work
She recently transitioned her entire website to a new theme and rebuilt it, and along the way, for a staging environment, bumps in the road, plugin fixes, code quirks, odd questions, and immediate concerns she’s hired IT Arsenal to sort out the fixes.
Most recently she put us to work to resolve a conflict with the PHP version and a plugin that was causing a warning to appear above all her posts on her blog page. While the warning wasn’t harmful, it didn’t look good, IT Arsenal did the research to track down the cause and find a fix that didn’t take an entire project to resolve.
Prior to that, we helped Tara work on her new site by providing a development environment that was easy to use and started with a clone of her existing site.
Her Site
Her beautiful site, which is graphic heavy [make sense since she’s a skilled artist!] is run on the Divi theme, WordPress, and looks great. It features a movie based background fullwidth layout for the homepage.
She uses the site to blog, sell art, and even run membership courses for other artists.
It’s a joy to support Tara, and her art, she’s even done IT Arsenal the honor of customizing her IT Arsenal swag!
Thanks Tara, it’s great working with you!
Go check out her site! -> http://taraleaver.com/ and the happy artist movement!