I’m excited to write this spotlight. I’ve been working with Koelle for over a year, on a wide variety of projects, and websites.

Working with Koelle is exciting! I’m not sure how to describe why, perhaps it’s her team, which has been so fun to interact with, or for me, their varied projects, from website hosting migration, to SSL setup, to website building, to how does the WooCommerce Sensei plugin work in certain regards, or the skype chats we’ve done to talk through work or perhaps her dropping hints to me [Rob] that I am a coach in a way and should highlight that : ) at IT Arsenal.


It’s tough to pinpoint specific work with Koelle Instituteto write about, but let me tell you a little about Koelle and then some ways IT Arsenal has had the pleasure of supporting her, her team, and her organization.

Koelle is a renowned life coach who specializes in something called Equus Coaching [amongst others], which was new to me when I started working with her.

Equus Coaching, which is still being pioneered is defined on Koelle’s website as “a unique experience with horses that offers an individual the opportunity to gain a visceral understanding of how their inner dialogue affects their relationships and everyday life.”

Koelle, who has also worked with Martha Beck [IT Arsenal has supported Martha Beck in building out her Coach Spot website] runs Koelle Institute, that in my own words, looks like an amazing experience where humans spend designed time with horses that brings forth an experience that elicits awareness, leadership, and some authentic conversation.

Sounds like a memorable and unique experience.

Some projects IT Arsenal and Koelle Institute have worked on include:

  • Hosting migration and transfers including company’s GoDaddy, Hostgator, Dreamhost, and WP Engine
  • Website page build outs
  • Membership class plugin, WooCommerce support
  • Professional email account setup and migration
  • Page creation and strategizing around SEO, particularly the add of the “What is Equus Coaching” page
  • Google Apps forwarding setup
  • Screencast trainings
  • Various WordPress customizations
  • Hosting account clarify and organizing

Koelle clearly has several moving parts to her business website as most coaches do, including but not limited to a primary and a few secondary websites, professional email accounts, an SSL for security, a membership section of her site, an email marketing platform, and payment processing platform.

Her organization is what I’d refer to as well developed, and her team does a great job with communication, encouragement, and email follow up, which I love.

Koelle, Kristi, et all, thanks so much for the pleasure and honor of working with you, it’s been a joy and I look forward to our next project together! 🎉