by Robert Granholm | ITA Products, Maintenance and Backup
The internet continues to fill up with evidence that we rely on our computers more than any tool in todays world, yet it’s suggested over and over that %50 of the people reading this don’t backup on any sort of regular bases…talk about a risky...
by Robert Granholm | Newsletter Archive
==== Newsletter Archive ==== I’ve been a miscreant! A total loser! I should be flogged! I haven’t e-mailed you some awesome stuff I’ve been using when I promised you useful information! I think I owe you, you might not, but I do and so I’m...
by Robert Granholm | Websites
I first noticed the importance of Google Alerts when I wrote a post about an author’s book, a seemingly really popular author with an Amazon best seller, and he was the first to comment on my post, a short quick comment and thank you. I knew that author...