Ever wonder what designers and web folk are talking about when they use the term “CSS”? Ever wonder what it stands for?

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It actually stands for “Cascading Style Sheets” and it’s how designers and web producers keep consistency with style details (fonts, colors etc.) so designs appear the same over multiple web pages and browsers.

CSS is a type of language that describes the design/style of an HTML document and how the elements on a page should be displayed, basically separating presentation and content. (“Cascading” refers to the priority order to decide which style rule applies if more than one rule is applicable to an element.)

In WordPress, the CSS accompanies the theme, and sometimes the theme allows this to be changed easily through its drop downs and easy menus, and sometimes the only way to change it is by going into the code.

CSS allows more control over the design process while reducing complexity and repetition, basically saving a lot of time. But even more than being a time-saver, separating content and presentation lets the same page be seen in different styles for different rendering methods like voice and Braille-based tactile devices, as well as adjusting for for mobile devices. This means better experiences on your website and increased accessibility, allowing more of the internet to be seen by more people in more ways.

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