==== Originally published on the IT Arsenal Newsletter ====


I apologize before hand if my tone is a little harsh, you see, I’m sort of frustrated at you.

Many many many of you are making a mistake that’s easy to fix, and has been shown to improve sales, but you still don’t do it, mostly because it’s annoying, or you’re not sure how, or you just don’t care.

The one e-mail address that improves your sales is the one that ends @yourdomain.com. The one that is not @gmail.com not @yahoo.com not @comcast.net and especially not @aol.com.

I’m going to tell you what I mean, and how to fix this mistake.

An e-mail address ending in your websites name is proven to increase trust, professionalism, social proof, and in a recent report from Google surveying over 500 small business decision makers like you, INCREASE SALES. [it’s a really good report on productivity] Below is a piece of it.

I’ll put it bluntly, sending an e-mail that is from @yourdomain.com gets you more interested e-mails and more money, so please, please, set one up and use it. And if you want to manage or track your employees’ email performance, you may consider using resources like timetoreply.

Okay, venting over, sorry about that.

Now…how to do it?

This is done at your website host or registrar [Bluehost, Hostgator, InMotion, GoDaddy, NameCheap, etc] and takes about 5 minutes.

The general instructions go like this.

  • Login to your website host’s cpanel or control panel
  • Click on E-mail Accounts or equivalent item
  • Enter the details of your new e-mail account
  • Click create
  • Use the provided instructions to launch webmail, or read the instructions for how to setup an e-mail client like Apple Mail or Outlook, then, use the e-mail address!

Here’s the specific instructions for Bluehost
Here’s the specific instructions for GoDaddy
Here’s the specific instructions for Hostgator
Here’s the specific instructions for InMotion

…and if you have a special scenario, questions, are confused, or you just don’t want to deal with this tech stuff, I built a service just for you, where IT Arsenal does everything for you.

—> @yourwebsite.com e-mail setup service
If you’re not using a professional business e-mail address, setting one up is one of the easiest ways you can boost sales this year, I hope you do it!

I hope this e-mail was useful, and want to know about it if it wasn’t.


Email designed by B Barrett from the Noun Project