sniply logo

This is an updated for online business crosspost from The Life Design Project

sniply is a really useful tool I’ve been using more and more lately. There’s one specific way to use it that essentially let’s you ride along with your audience and offer them value.

I’ve found it increases interaction, engagement, and ultimately a response of some sort, great for business services, coaching, or growing your expertise.

It’s simply and straight forward.

First, What is sniply?

sniply lets you share most websites with a small overlay on top of them that you can customize, and without much more context, this can seem pointless.

However, when you think about how it could be used to nudge people while sending them a link, or drawing people back for business promotion purposes, it gets interesting.

Since my business is all about helping people with technology, I get to link out to cool pieces of tech, or website services like Mailchimp, or a WordPress theme, or something like that, and then have a little “talking head in the corner [or company logo, or whatever] saying “Hey! I can help with this if it looks challenging, click here.”

It looks like this.

sniply screenshot


See that head in the bottom left, that’s what we’re talking about.

How to Use

It’s particularly great for newsletters when you’re recommending, promoting, or suggesting anything. I recently wrote a newsletter for IT Arsenal with a bunch of useful resources, all using sniply so that if any of those tools required extra support, they had it there, and many of those links converted back with follow up.

E-mail newsletters are usually valuable for their inherent content, or the links they provide to other content, sniply helps capitalize on those links by creating an experience like a ride along as your audience clicks a link.

It’s also useful for service and coaching based offerings where putting your context on top of an article, or evaluation tool can make a strong link between a problem and your solution.

Here’s an example, your weight loss coaching business call to action over top of a popular blog post about a new diet, or how about this one for a new service IT Arsenal is planning this year, where the offer is to make your website faster, while linking to a tool for evaluating your currest website loading speed.  ,  , erotik film izle , gaziantep rus escort

If your audience has a particular pain point and they are exploring content that is already hyper popular or recommended to them, but with you top of mind for a solution, that’s a powerful business association.

You don’t have to think too much before business use cases start popping up

  • Recommending useful websites to your audience
  • Affiliating for a product and offering your tips for use
  • Creating a call to action on your own website that feels personalized
  • Sales page buy now buttons
  • Commenting on a controversial post elsewhere but with a specific message

How to get

I won’t go into detail here, sniply does a good job of walking you through the process, it’s a simply web browser plugin, see their website.


What use cases do you see for a tool like this for your business? I’d love to hear about them in the comments.