Essential Enhancements
Lasting Improvements to your Website on a Monthly Schedule
Improve your website, improve your business.
Every website owner has different priorities. When you manage a website for any length of time, you inevitably become frustrated with some aspect of your site. It’s the nature of the technology and running a business.
The Essential Enhancements service was created to handle those frustrations and so much more, improving your website by leaps and bounds over a 6 month time period.
Life Essentials

Website Essentials

How it Works
Choose 6 from the available enhancements below, provide the requested form information, and we’ll get to work! Any additional information required or details will be handled in email. We’ll communicate reliably as follow up is required. It’s suggested you have a “finished” website, loosely translated to mean you already have a website, a navigation menu, page structure and content on your pages. If you’re still working on that, see our Build/Rebuild a Website with Addons service.
Go faster, get better data, increase security, add capabilities you’ve wanted since you started your site. Get excited!
Read below for in depth breakdowns of each enhancements and what it can do for you.
We guarantee transparent communication, strong partnership and project completion! If you’ve worked with IT Arsenal before, you know these are our standards.
Price: $100/month for 6 months
- SSL – Security certification setup and installation
- Speed up – Your site loading in 3 seconds or less
- Professional Email – Increase your sales with an e-mail address
- Payment Gateway Setup
- Google Analytics + QuillEngage – 3 Analytics Reports Autogenerated
- 404 Page Redirection & Redesign – Recapture lost traffic
- Sitemap & Google Webmaster Submission
- Security Hardening – notifications when your site backend is accessed, or website is down
- Scheduling/Booking System Integrated
- Email Marketing Integration – connecting your site to your email marketing platform with designed forms
- Onboarding Form & Automation – Gravity Forms to Zapier to platform / notifier of your choice
- Basic Membership/Protected Content Setup
- Client Portal Setup
- Website Backup and content to PDF Archive
Want only one enhancement? Individual enhancements are $200 each.
*There are no additional costs to configure these systems, however some have subscription fees themselves and are noted in the detail section below.
What are The Essential Enhancements?
A simple website might include 5 pages with text, some images, and a contact form.
A more robust website might have a security certificate, dozens of pages, integrate with external sites like Instagram, allow members to login via a third party like Google, load in under 3 seconds, have 3 analytics reports configured and more.
How do you get from one to other without headache?
There are many paths from a simple website to a robust one, and there’s no “right path” however, there are recurring enhancements as your business evolves and grows that you will undoubtedly need.
The 6 month package puts you on a roadmap to include what IT Arsenal deems essential enhancements for your website to grow, become more professional, speed up, increase security, and much more. You have time along the way to understand what each enhancement does, and how to best benefit by it.
Essential Enhancements in Detail
- SSL Security
- Speed Increase
- Professional Email
- Payment Gateway
- Google Analytics Reports
- Custom 404 Page
- Sitemap
- Security Hardening
- Scheduling System
- Email Marketing Integration
- Onboarding Form
- Basic Protected Content
- Client Portal Setup
- Website Backup and Archive
You don’t want your site seen as insecure. You will lose traffic, lose customers, and potentially be targeted for hacking.
An SSL certificate will make your website more secure.
Most coaches and service professionals with a website don’t know what an SSL or HTTPS is, but they do know when their web browser tells them some content is insecure. An SSL is what allows your website to load over HTTPS instead of HTTP.
Learn what an SSL / HTTPS is
The really short version is that it’s verifying your website with an organization that issues a certificate saying this website is A-OK, trust it! Then configuring your website in a way that loads all the content [pages, pictures, code] through that certificate HTTPS address.
The configuring part is what removes the “mixed content” alerts and encrypts/secures all the forms on your website.
This service handles getting the certificate, and configuring website, and ensuring you have the trusted lock icon in your browser for your website visitors.
The infrastructure that goes into a website is very much like an onion, as in it has layers.
Each one of those layers can impact the speed of your website. Some more than others.
This service guarantees to have your homepage, or another page of your choosing optimized to load in under 3 seconds, and to score over an 80 in Google’s Page Speed Insights benchmark which means it’s marked as “green”.
Here are some of the ways we work on your page.
- Optimize images including resizing and scaling
- Optimize and combine scripts that handle loading things like fonts and other services and special features
- Setup a content delivery network optimized for caching and loading content
- Web server recommendations if the underlying structure of your site is part of the issue of why it’s loading slowly, most commonly termed “poor server response time”
Some of this work takes investigation and discussion on page changes for a faster loading time.
Transform your e-mail from this…
to this
This service does that for you and your business, up to three emails.
If you don’t have a current email hosting provider through your website host, we’ll talk options for moving forward and execute!
The two most common in the US are PayPal and Stripe.
Payment Gateways sometimes have simplistic functionality by themselves, for instance to add a single product or service using a buy now button with rudimentary receipt and email notifications but are most commonly combined with other platforms, like ecommerce plugins or membership plugins, to provide robust purchasing scenarios and capabilities.
This service provides a simple 1-3 product or service setup using the payment gateway of your choice. Additional information for what you’re selling and what notifications/emails you’d like to be delivered after the sale is required.
Typically, traffic to 404 pages are lost, the user is annoyed, can’t find what they are looking for and leaves never to come back.
This services handles that by customizing your 404 page to remain useful, keep the user focused on your site, and provide value.
Reasons to have a custom 404 page
For Search Engine Optimization
A custom 404 page gives you the opportunity to put valuable links in front of your users that would have otherwise been lost with a default page.
For User Experience
A custom 404 page takes away the confusion not landing on the page they had intended to land on. It lets your user know that they are in the wrong place. An effective 404 page will recognize the mistake and guide them back to relevant pages of the site.
It can also make light of the situation by adding your specific voice, personality or humor to the page, further enhancing the user experience and hopefully turning a potentially lost user, into a fan by letting them know you care about their experience and acknowledge when mistakes are made.
What IT Arsenal Does
Above all else, your 404 page should explain why your users are seeing the unexpected error message and direct them back to helpful links on your website so that you don’t lose visitors. We’ll get this custom page setup and guide you on what to say to own the error with some humor and personality while being useful to the user.
Google tries to do this on it’s own, but you can actually tell Google about your pages, what pages to ignore, and if new changes were recently made.
This service will generate a sitemap for you, add the site to Google Webmaster, which provides information on broken links and keywords used to find your site, and then share that information with you.
A sitemap should be refreshed at least at the creation of your site, and after any major changes or pages created and deleted to ensure Google knows what’s what about your website!
How much could downtime cost you? $100s, $1000s?
Your website is no different than the major sites out there, it needs security and what’s provided by default is typically insufficient.
This service does an audit of the security for your website and improves its defences. Here’s what we setup.
- Password audit
- Firewall and file monitoring and edit blocking
- User creation and login alerts
- Reduce login attempts
- Plugin audit for reputable sources
- Optional two factor authentication setup
It wastes time and energy going back and forth about availability, how to get things on the calendar and if applicable, pay for service.
This service asks about your needs, suggests a few well known platforms for scheduling and works with you to get things working exactly how you want them to have customers schedule occasions with you, free, or paid and integrate that solution with what you’re current using for a calendar.
The end result is a professional, easy to use scheduling system for your customers that works with your current calendar system.
Fill out the questions you’re presented with during checkout, we’ll follow up if needed, and soon after your scheduling platform will embedded and working for your business, saving you time and headaches of administrative coordination.
*Note, most modern systems can work together in concert, but if not obvious, sometimes systems just don’t work together, if that’s the case, we’ll let you know about that early on with as much detail as possible and you can choose another service.
This service asks you basic questions about your email marketing service, if you need to sign up for one, and what your opt proposition should look like. It’s okay if you don’t know any of this, we’ll help. You can start simple and improve.
Starting simple looks like this – I don’t know what email marketing service to use? Okay, you can sign up for a free Mailchimp account. I don’t know what to put on my opt in form for people to join my list? Okay, we’ll start with a simple offer phrase, come up with a top 10 tips list for incentive and put an attractive and relevant graphic with it.
The service integrates your email marketing company with your your website in the shape of attractive and value filled opt-in forms on the sidebar, inline on a page, or as a popup on your site.
This type of enhancement can get complex very quickly, and if you need something like a full membership environment with recurring charges, member account pages and protected pages, that is an entire project by itself and not included here.
However, if you’re looking to setup a proof of concept scenario for a future membership site or a few pages behind a paywall, or simply non-public until some action is taken, like optin into a list or such, this service is for you.
Answer the questions during checkout on your specific use case and we’ll work to get the necessary plugins, tools, and configuration in place for protecting your content.
This is a great setup for providing a lifetime access download that may change over time, a one page news feed for a private audience or special instructions you want to be able to point people to with a link but not allow the whole internet to see it and find it in Google. It takes away the inherent complexity of user accounts, passwords, sign ups with a simple password access for starting out with protected content.
The client needs a username and password to access this page, which are typically manually created, as is the content for the particular client you’re working with.
The concept behind the client portal is to facilitate work and provide an area for individualized content, this is different from a membership or a learning management system. A client portal is a one page simple protected area for your clients.
This service installs and configures the software necessary to build this type of portal, and create a template based on your feedback for your customized business needs and clients. In other words, if you need a section for detailing past meetings, or recent work, or open items, this will be created and you’ll be informed on how to provide your client access and update it as you work with your client. You can see an open example of a client portal page here.
It’s also useful to have a snapshot of your website for posterity’s sake, review, and safe keeping.
This service takes two types of back up for your site.
One is a functional backup that can be restored to any modern web host in the event that your files get compromised or lost somehow so you can get backup and running quickly with minimal downtime, lost visitors and potential sales.
The other is a series of PDFs or if you prefer, a self contained offline download of your entire site for historical review, screenshots, etc. A snapshot of what your website was like at a certain time.
Click an option below to learn more about each enhancement
SSL Security
You don’t want your site seen as insecure. You will lose traffic, lose customers, and potentially be targeted for hacking.
An SSL certificate will make your website more secure.
Most coaches and service professionals with a website don’t know what an SSL or HTTPS is, but they do know when their web browser tells them some content is insecure. An SSL is what allows your website to load over HTTPS instead of HTTP.
Learn what an SSL / HTTPS is
The really short version is that it’s verifying your website with an organization that issues a certificate saying this website is A-OK, trust it! Then configuring your website in a way that loads all the content [pages, pictures, code] through that certificate HTTPS address.
The configuring part is what removes the “mixed content” alerts and encrypts/secures all the forms on your website.
This service handles getting the certificate, and configuring website, and ensuring you have the trusted lock icon in your browser for your website visitors.
Increase Website Speed
The infrastructure that goes into a website is very much like an onion, as in it has layers.
Each one of those layers can impact the speed of your website. Some more than others.
This service guarantees to have your homepage, or another page of your choosing optimized to load in under 3 seconds, and to score over an 80 in Google’s Page Speed Insights benchmark which means it’s marked as “green”.
Here are some of the ways we work on your page.
- Optimize images including resizing and scaling
- Optimize and combine scripts that handle loading things like fonts and other services and special features
- Setup a content delivery network optimized for caching and loading content
- Web server recommendations if the underlying structure of your site is part of the issue of why it’s loading slowly, most commonly termed “poor server response time”
Some of this work takes investigation and discussion on page changes for a faster loading time.
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