January 1st, Woo!

A new year has a funny way of refreshing our mindsets and inspiring us to greater heights. Let me help you pull in more income and create more freedom in 2014. [It’s sort of my thing]

Here are 5 solutions I tested last year for building an online course digital product, [a great online business income source] what I thought about them, and how you can use them in your business in the new year.

Before that though, seriously, thank you for your support, e-mails, purchases and interaction with me this year. It’s tough to convey through an e-mail how blessed I am by your simple acts. You’ve inspired me to solve new problems in new ways for hundreds of people, put food on my table [and my dog’s bowl] and light me up with your own business goals [did you know I read your website in detail when you work with me!] Thank you, thank you, thank you.

1. UDemy
First up, Udemy is a hosted solution, meaning it’s a web service you sign up for. You become an instructor, build your course and publish it on their network. So while Udemy holds most of the keys, and it’s not on your website or domain their platform is excellent and easy to work with. Their classroom style interaction tools are great. They have a responsive community, but take a large cut of profits. You’re trade off is ease of use and built in publicity. If you want a low friction way to create courses, test the waters, or possibly host previously recorded content that’s just sitting on your computer, put it here! Doesn’t integrate with e-mail marketing platforms like AWeber but you can contact those who sign up for your class.

2. Ruzuku
Another hosted platform, Ruzuku is more geared toward coaches in function, has a very easy to use platform for loading content, interacting with users and incredible customer support. They don’t take a cut of profits, but their monthly plans are not cheap either. If you have a high profile/value course and the their features fit your needs, give Ruzuku a shot.

3. Wishlist Member & WordPress
The custom solution option, where you can control every aspect of the course, implement outside forums and much more is a go to for those who want to maintain website visual continuity, and use existing e-mail marketing and sales gateway platforms. You trade these customizations for longer development times, higher initial cost, complexity, and a lot of upfront work on top of creating your content. No ongoing fees are nice, as is the complete control once you have educated yourself on the moving parts, but it’s not for every situation. Note: Wishlist Member is just one option, there are many membership plugins for WordPress with varying features and complexities. [IT Arsenal set up 8 of these in 2013!]

4. Password Protected WordPress Website or Page
This simple option, often times is a great fit for starting out. Owners are often times way more protective of their content then they need to be. It’s true using one password for a page or series of pages can be shared easily, and isn’t very interactive, but it’s a zero friction way to create a private course feel, and may be all you need, especially if your struggling to just get something out there! It’s more manual, using a sales gateway like PayPal and e-mailing a password, but effective and better than being on the bench and out of the game.

5. Mailchimp Auto-responder
Tried and true, this method involves writing a series of e-mails with your deliverable course information, inputting it into an auto-responder at your e-mail marketing platform of choice, and then integrating it with a sales gateway. The opt-in to sales gateway integration part can be tricky, but this is an otherwise no hassle option that builds your list and can encourage interaction with your audience via e-mail. Often used as a freebie option to build e-mail lists.

There they are, 5 options for you to employ in your 2014 online business strategy, try one out or mix and match, don’t be afraid to use multiple! I sincerely hope you found them useful and want to hear about it if not!

If you found one of the options appealing, but don’t feel comfortable taking the next step, get in touch here and request support service at the link below.

—> Build Your Own Request


PS. I hope your Christmas was awesome, I’d love to hear about it! Feel free to respond to this e-mail for support, I reply to every e-mail!

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